Student Loan
Do You Have a Student Loan? Do you have a student loan, if so are you repaying this, and do you know that this to be declared on your tax return? Repaying Student Loan There are different ways to repay this it can be either: Through your tax return Through your payroll (deducted monthly from…
Read MoreStaff Christmas Party
We will soon be coming up to Christmas time where many companies will be holding a staff Christmas party, but this does not have to hold a Christmas it could be for a summer barbeque. This is provided for employee: available to employees generally or available to employees at a location where the employer has…
Read MoreTax Going Digital
Cloud Accounting and Bookkeeping Overview There is now the opportunity to have you cloud accounting software which means you no longer need to have this installed on your desktop you can access this via an internet connection from anywhere. This will avoid the upgrades like with Sage as you will always have the latest version…
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